How To Change Sensitive Content Controls For Instagram

Change Sensitive Content Controls For Instagram

Here you will learn how you can change Instagram’s Sensitive Content Control settings and configure how much offensive or upsetting content is served to you.

Instagram is giving more control to its users by introducing a new feature called Sensitive Content Control. This new feature will make Instagram’s platform more safe by allowing users to choose the amount of sensitive content they are shown on the app.

Users can choose between three levels of sensitive content. This includes Allow, Limit and Limit Even More. The Limit option, which shows some upsetting and sensitive photos and videos is set as default.

If the user opts for the Allow option, then they will be shown all upsetting or offensive photos that they come across on the platform.

On the other hand if they choose Limit Even More option, then they are shown fewer photos and videos that may be deemed upsetting or offensive.

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Change Sensitive Content Control Settings For Instagram

You can change Instagram Sensitive Content Control settings by following the instructions below.

Step 1. Open Instagram app and go to your profile page.

Step 2. Tap on the menu button (hamburger button) located on top right side of the screen.

Step 3. Next tap on Settings option.

Step 4. Now Tap on Account and then on Sensitive Content Control.

Step 5. Finally choose between Allow, Limit (Default), or Limit Even More options.

Your chosen setting will apply to both Home and Explore pages. The Allow option, which shows all offensive and upsetting photos and videos is only available to users who are 18 or above.

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