iOS tweak roundup: FBMessenger Unrestrictor, Fleksy SpringBoard, MessageSwiper7 and more

Everyday several new tweaks are unleashed in Cydia, which making it difficult to keep up with the hacks that are available for jailbroken iOS devices. To make discovering them easier for you we do roundups so you don’t miss any tweak you may find interesting and worth downloading. Today’s roundup is no different as it includes many great tweaks including FBMessenger Unrestrictor, Fleksy SpringBoard, ForceSleep, JalJaYo, MessageSwiper7 and vColor. You can find details about these tweaks below.

FBMessenger Unrestrictor

FBMessenger Unrestrictor

If you are a regular user of Facebook’s Messenger app for iOS then you would know that you can only send a limited number of pictures to your friend at once. The FacebookMessenger Unrestrictor tweak solves that problem by allowing users to send unlimited photos using the popular messaging app. You can get this hack from Cydia for free from ModMyi repo.

Fleksy SpringBoard

Flesky SpringBoard

Fleksy is an alternate keyboard for iOS devices that suggests words as user types. The Fleksy SpringBoard tweak brings that keyboard to iOS 7’s springboard. It replaces the normal keyboard of iPhone with Fleksy on Spotlight search as well as on some other parts where keyboard can be used including on homescreen, ControlCenter and Notification Center. You can get this tweak for free from Cydia’s BigBoss repo.



Do you have trouble letting go of you iPhone when its time to sleep or do work? If yes then the ForceSleep tweak might help. It aims to make you more productive and allow you to go to sleep early by locking your iPhone. This tweak has options to turn on/off WiFi, Internet, Vibration, Ringer and Airplane at and until user’s specified time. It even allows users to repeat the process on specified days of the week so if you don’t want restrictions on weekends then simply uncheck Saturday and Sunday from the list.

ForceSleep is a tweak that helps users in improving self control. Although it disables the device it still allows users to receive calls, SMS, email etc so there’s no blockage in your communication.

ForceSleep tweak is available in Cydia for $1.49 under the BigBoss repo.


JalJoYo tweak

Talking about self control do you tend to listen to music more than you think you should? JalJoYo tweak could help you in solving that problem by limiting the time you can listen to music on your iOS device. It allows users to select the time before it turns of the music automatically.

It is a great tweak for those who listen to music too much or if you are plugging your iPhone to a speaker and want the music to be turned off after some time. You can get JalJoYo tweak for free from Cydia.



The MessageSwiper7 tweak allows users to jump from one message thread to another conveniently. It works on stock Message app, BiteSMS and iRealSMS. When you swipe in from right side of the screen you are taken to the very next thread in your messaging app. This hack provides a faster way to switch between threads when you are simultaneously talking to two or more people. MessageSwiper7 is available in Cydia for free.


vColor tweak

The vColor tweak enables iOS users to change the colors of VolumeHUD and depletion bar. It have several options that users can use to change the colors according to their choice. vColor tweak is available in Cydia for free.

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