Register Yourself to Beta Test iOS 10 and macOS Sierra Public Betas Now

Public beta iOS 10 macos

If you are someone who cannot wait until September for the public release of iOS 10 and macOS Sierra, and want to get your hands on the new software updates as quickly as possible, then we might have a solution for you. While registered developers can download the new releases right now, those who are not part of the developers community have to wait until final release. However in July Apple will start offering public betas of iOS 10 and macOS Sierra to everyone. You don’t need a developers account to be able to install it and it is more stable than the developer releases.

To be able to install the public release you need to be registered with Apple’s Beta Software Program. You can do so by signing up on dedicated Apple website. The public beta for iOS 10 and macOS Sierra 10.12 are not available right now, but you can still signup for the program. Once Apple has started offering the public beta you will be among the first ones to know about it via an email. To sign up simply open this link, sign up with your Apple ID and you are all set to go.

Before you proceed do note that while public betas are more stable than developer releases, it is recommended that you avoid installing them on your main devices. You should also create a full backup of your data before proceeding.

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