Case Against Buying iPhone X: 5 Things You Should Consider Before Buying

iPhone X is the most exciting model of iPhone Apple has launched in years. With this 10th anniversary release Apple is finally bringing the features that users have been longing for years. iPhone X will be the first iPhone to have OLED edge-to-edge display, Face ID, no Home Button, dual cameras with stabilization and more.

So it only makes sense for every iPhone user to upgrade his or her device to the greatest iPhone ever, right? Not exactly. There are a number of concerns that you need to consider before you hit the checkout button on 27th October. Read on to learn about the 5 things you need to consider before buying iPhone X.

1. It Is Very Expensive

iPhone X starts at $999 and only comes in 64GB and 256GB models. Its super expensive, even more so in certain parts of the world. In comparison flagship iPhones such as iPhone 7 with 32GB storage started at $649 (whereas iPhone 8 with 64GB starts at $699). That’s a $350 price difference between the entry level models of the two devices. The $999 price tag will most likely go away next year when the parts used in iPhone X become cheaper and the features of iPhone X become standard across the whole lineup. So if you don’t want to break your bank and spend a big chunk of your savings on a smartphone, it is wise to pass on this one.

2. It Is Likely To Have Issues

Whenever Apple releases a radically redesigned iPhone model, more often than not it ends up having major issues. We are all familiar with the infamous AntennaGate (iPhone 4), BendGate (iPhone 6 Plus), Touch Disease (iPhone 6 and 6 Plus), CrackGate (iPhone 3GS), BatteryGate (iPhone 8) and many other scandals that have affected iPhone launches over the past 10 years. With its radical new design and technologies chances of iPhone X facing a major crisis are pretty high. You certainly don’t want to be in center of what may have the potential of becoming a major tech scandal of 2017-2018.

3. The Gold Color Option Will Launch Later

If you are someone who hates the boring Black and Silver colors and have always preferred the Gold color option, then you might have been disappointed to learn that there’s no Gold iPhone X. While there’s no official word on whether it exists or not, we know based on the leaks and reports that Apple will release a Gold color option sometime in the future. The company was not able to make it in time, as we are already aware of the massive production issues it has been having.

It is most likely that a gold iPhone X will be released sometime in the future, much like Apple released iPhone 7 Red in the middle of the iPhone cycle. While Red iPhone 7 launched in  April, the Gold option might even launch earlier than that. So if you can wait, it is better to avoid the launch day rush and wait for the gold iPhone X’s release.

4. Next Year’s iPhone Will Definitely Be Better

No matter how great the current iPhone is, the next one is always better. Same principle applies to the iPhone X. Since this is the first OLED edge-to-edge iPhone with Face ID and no Home Button, one can be certain that Apple will learn from its experience (good or bad) and make the next one even better. So if you are not stuck with a super slow and outdated model of iPhone and can wait another year, then next iPhone is the one to get.

5. Apps Won’t Be Ready In Time

iPhone X not only has a longer edge-to-edge display but it also has ‘The Notch’.  This essentially means app developers have to redesign their apps in order to make them work properly with the iPhone X. While many main developers have already started to push updates, it is likely that not all apps you use will be updated in the near future. In that case you won’t be able to take full advantage of the device, so might as well wait another year when all apps are updated to take advantage of the longer display.

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