25 Must Have And Free iOS 11 Cydia Tweaks You Need To Download (Ep. 2)

Must Have Cydia tweaks

With the release of iOS 11.3.1 Jailbreak, a renewed interest has sparked for iOS hacking among jailbreak fans. The great thing is jailbreak users can already download amazing tweaks that are available in Cydia for iOS 11 in order to customize their devices. These Cydia tweaks are fully compatible with iOS 11 and work with all models of iPhone, iPad and iPod touch.

In this article we have gathered some of the best, free and must have iOS 11 Cydia tweaks that are not only available for download through Cydia but work great with all models of iPhone and iPad. Read on to learn what these iOS 11 tweaks do and how you can download them on your jailbroken device.

Also, be sure to check out our other iOS 11 tweaks list featuring over 20 amazing tweaks you can download right now on your jailbroken iOS 11.3.1 device.

1. LeadMeHome

iOS 11 tweaks

Have you been in situations when you are unable to find the location of an app’s icon on the home screen? This can be frustrating if you want to move any particular app or want to remove it from your device. LeadMeHome iOS 11 Cydia tweak solves this problem by allowing users to reach the location of an app’s icon right from the Spotlight. You can search for the app in the Spotlight and from the search result long press on its icon. When you do you will automatically be taken to the exact home screen page or folder its icon is stored in. You can then interact with the icon as you please. You can download the LeadMeHome tweak from Cydia’s BigBoss repo, where it is available as a free download.

2. Nine

Miss the way notifications looked back in the days of iOS 9? Then try the Nine tweak. With this must have iOS 11 Cydia tweak you can get the flat look of iOS 9 alerts on your iOS 11 device. It even adds a nice and clean look to the lockscreen and divides the notifications with a separator. It is available for free in the BigBoss repo.

3. CCSupport

iOS 11 Cydia tweaks

With CCSupport iOS 11 tweak you get the ability to move Control Center modules around. From tweak’s settings you can rearrange the location of Control Center modules and put them at locations most suitable for you. With CCSupport you can also add modules developed by third-party developers and add new features to the Control Center. You can download CCSupport tweak from Cydia where it is available for free under BigBoss.

4. SilentRecorder

Do you hate the red bar that appears on top of the screen when you are recording the screen using iOS 11’s built-in screen recording feature? Then try the SilentRecorder feature. With this tweak you can completely remove the screen recording indicator. In addition to that you can also remove the green call indicator bar that appears when you use your device while you are on a call. In the next update of the tweak developer has promised to add the ability to hide the Personal Hotspot’s blue bar, which is also great. The tweak works with all iOS 11 devices including iPhone X. You can download it for free from BigBoss repo.

5. Icon Resizer for iOS 11

With perhaps the most self-explanatory name on this list, with Icon Resizer for iOS 11 tweak you can can reduce the size of the homescreen icons to whatever you like. This tweak is great for those who like to add themes and home screen widgets using various other tweaks. It also offers the ability to turn off icon labels, update dots, icon badges, ability to resize label fonts and more. You can download Icon Resizer for iOS 11 tweak from Cydia, where it is available for free.

6. PearlRetry

iOS 11 Cydia tweaks

Find it annoying when Face ID fails at first attempt and you have to type in your passcode. PearlRetry fixes that for iOS 11 users by allowing you to retry Face ID unlock when it fails. From tweak’s settings you can set a default delay time between each scan. PearlRetry tweak is available in Cydia for free through Packix repo (https://repo.packix.com/)

7. iPad Pro Keyboard

Larger 12.9-inch iPad Pro has a special on-screen keyboard that unlike normal iPad models includes a number and special character row. It also features a caps lock button. With iPad Pro Keyboard tweak you can bring this keyboard to any other model of iPad including iPad minis, iPad Airs etc. You can download iPad Pro Keyboard tweak from Cydia where it is available for free.

8. ColorMyCCModules

ColorMyCCModules tweak makes it possible for users to add their desired color to the Control Center, completely changing the way it looks. The tweak features a hex color picker using which you can choose any color of your choice. The must have iOS 11 Cydia tweak ColorMyCCModule is available in Cydia for free.

9. TimeAlarmXI

iOS 11 Cydia tweaks

TimeAlarmXI tweak boosts your iPhone’s privacy by letting you unlock your iPhone with a different passcode every time. The tweak sets current time as your iPhone’s passcode, so if it is 11:05 at the moment, you can unlock your iPhone by entering 1105 etc. TimeAlarm tweak is available in Cydia for free. From Settings, you can configure to use 12 hour or 24 hour time formats.

10. SpringAnimations

With SpringAnimations tweak for iOS 11 you can change the animations on your iOS device and add new ones to it. With this hack you can enable animation that makes the app go from left to right upon being launched, adds bounce affect to app launching, closing and app switcher, adds spinning effects when launching/closing apps and App Switcher and more. You can download SpringAnimations for free.

11. HapLock

HapLock tweak will make your iPhone vibrate every time you lock or unlock it. From tweak’s preferences you can configure the tweak to give haptic feedback when the device is locked, unlocked or both. You also get a toggle to disable the tweak when you want. HapLock is available in Cydia for free under the Packix repo (https://repo.packix.com/).

12. Jumper

Think iPhone X’s lockscreen utility shortcuts can be used for something more useful to you than camera and flashlight? Then Jumper tweak for iOS 11 is a must have for you. With this must have iOS 11 Cydia tweak you can add any app to the shortcut buttons and launch them using 3D Touch. Jumper is available for free from BigBoss repo.

13. FloatingDock

Want to get iPad like floating dock on your iPhone and add as many icons to it as you like? Then try the amazing FloatingDock tweak from Cydia. With this tweak you can not only get iPhone X and iPad-like floating dock on any iPhone model but also add as many icons to it as you like. You can also choose a custom color for the dock, giving it a completely new look. You can download the FloatingDock tweak from Cydia’s BigBoss repo for free.

14. CountMyMessages

Want to know how many texts you have sent to someone and how many texts they have sent to you? Then CountMyMessages is your answer. This badass Cydia tweak for Messages app adds a live message counter to each conversation, showing the total number of texts send and received. The tweak will also show the total number of messages in a conversation. You can download CountMyMessages tweak from BigBoss repo for free.

15. SafariPad

If you are a fan of the browsing tab that are available in iPad version of Safari, then you should download the SafariPad tweak. With this hack for Safari you can add the tabs functionality to iPhone’s Safari. The tweak works with iOS 11 and can be downloaded for free from Cydia’s BigBoss repo.

16. Victrola

Next on our list of best iOS 11 Cydia tweaks is Victorla. With Victorla tweak you can redesign the look of the lockscreen music widget, adding a much better looking circular widget to it. The Victorla music widget not only looks great but it also allows you to scrub through music progression, ‘like’ or ‘dislike’ a song, have shuffle and repeat buttons and more. You can download the tweak for free from Packix repo (https://repo.packix.com/).

17. iTranslate

iTranslate tweak allows users to quickly translate text into their preferred language without using any third-party app. The tweak adds a menu item called Translate. You can select the text you want to translate and from the pop up menu tap on the Translate button in order to convert it using Google Translate. The tweak is available in Cydia for free.

18. Hush

Hush is a clever tweak for iPhone that automatically enables Do Not Disturb mode when the device is placed on the table face down. From settings, you can set a delay after which Do Not Disturb mode is turned on. Hush is available for free under BigBoss.

19. CCAlarmETA

CCAlarmETA is a handy Control Center tweak that adds remaining time to your next alarm right into the CC Alarm module. The ETA time is updated in real-time and gets refreshed as you update your alarms. You can install CCAlarmEta tweak for free from Cydia’s BigBoss repo.

20. Swae

With Swae you get the ability to change the font for your iPhone’s Status Bar. After installing the tweak simply launch tweak’s preferences from Settings app and choose the font you want for the status bar. The tweak works with all iPhones including iPhone X. You can download it from Cydia for free by adding Packix repo (https://repo.packix.com/).

21. Aerify

Aerify solves iOS’s ugly Volume HUD problem by letting users replace it with a minimalistic and sleeker looking volume indicator. The tweak also allows users to choose a color for the indicator, change its position, animations and other aspects. Aerify tweak is available through the BigBoss repo for free.

22. AVLock

Next on our list of best iOS 11 Cydia tweaks is AVLock. AVLock puts the orientation lock button at a more accessible location by placing it on iOS stock video player control bar. With the addition of this button you no longer have to access the Control Center in order to enable or disable the orientation lock. You can download this must have and free tweak from Cydia where it is available under BigBoss repo.

23. NGXPlay11

With NGXPlay11 tweak you can mirror the screen of your iPhone to your CarPlay enabled car system. After installing the tweak simply launch the NGXPlay app and choose the applications you want to use on CarPlay. NGXPlay11 is available in Cydia for free.

24. AutoPause11

When AutoPause11 tweak is installed video playback is automatically paused when the device’s volume is reduced to 0. This is a great tweak for pausing videos automatically when you mute the device to do something else. It is a free tweak that works with iOS 11. It can be downloaded from BigBoss repo.

25. FastDeleteKey

FastDeleteKey tweak lets you change the deletion speed for the delete key on stock iOS keyboard. From settings, you can increase the speed of the delete key and make text deletion faster. You can also disable auto deletion feature if you like, toggle can be found under Settings. FastDeleteKey is a free iOS 11 tweak and can be downloaded for free from Cydia’s BigBoss repo.

So there you go folks. These are the 25 free and must have iOS Cydia tweaks that you need to download right now on your jailbroken iOS 11 device. Did we miss any? Do let us know in the comments section below. Also, don’t forget to check out episode 1 of our Cydia tweaks series that also has 20+ iOS 11 Cydia tweaks.

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