3 New Tweaks For HomeScreen That Will Spice Up Your Device

Are you jailbroken on iOS 10? If yes, then we have got some really nice homescreen tweaks for you that will allow you to add more features to the homescreen and personalize the whole experience. Although the tweaks work with iOS 10 without any problems they are also compatible with iOS 9 and iOS 8 if you are running older versions of the operating system on your iPhone or iPad. So without any further ado read on to learn about what these hacks do.


Cuttlefish tweak is named after the Cuttlefish that changes its color according to its surroundings. The tweak when installed does something similar with the background blur that appears behind the 3D shortcut menu. When you access a 3D Touch menu on a 3D Touch enabled iPhone, Cuttlefish will turn the background color to match the dominant color of that app’s homescreen icon. So if you access the 3D Touch menu of Facebook the blur would appear blueish where as it will turn greenish when Messages app’s 3D Touch menu is opened. Since it uses the app’s icon color to choose the blur color it is very likely that you will see a different blur for most of your applications. Cuttlefish is available in Cydia for free and supports iOS 10 and iOS 9.


Evanesco tweak for the homescreen fades the homescreen icons after a certain amount of inactivity. When the icons and the status bar fade away the wallpaper becomes more prominent while the icons still appear with low opacity. From tweak’s settings you can configure Evanesco to fade the background and the status bar in addition to choosing the alpha for the icon fade. There are some trigger options that you can enable or disable according to your liking. Evanesco tweak is compatible with iOS 10 jailbreak. It also works with iOS 9 and iOS 8. You can download it for free from Cydia.


This little tweak enables the status bar on the app switcher screen. Normally iOS does not show the status bar when you are using the app switcher but with this tweak you will be able to see the time and battery on this screen. StatusSwitcher is available for free and also works with iOS 10.

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