DathBanners tweak changes banner color to match with app’s icon


The notification banners on iOS 8 look the same for all apps. This can make it difficult for some users to distinguish which app the notification belongs to. To take care of this problem and to make iOS banners more colorful a new Cydia tweak called DathBanners has been released. With DathBanners Lite installed different notifications coming on your iPhone or iPad will have different colors. The color they will sport will be defined by the icon of the application notification belongs to.

So for example, if the notification is related to the iMessage app then the banner will appear green whereas for the Mail app the banner would appear blue. This behavior will remain the same with each app, giving each notification on your iOS device a unique look. The tweak takes the dominant color of the app’s icon and applies it to the banner, so if an app icon is made up of multiple colors the one that is covering the most area will be used.

There are no options to configure for this tweak, and if it is not working on your device then rebooting could do the trick. You can download DathBanners Lite from Cydia’s BigBoss repo for free. It is compatible with all devices running iOS 8 or above.

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