If you have jailbroken iOS 12.4 on your iPhone or iPad, then now is the time to head over to Cydia or Sileo and install some awesome jailbreak tweaks on your device. The very first thing every new jailbreak’s user has to deal with is whether his or her favorite tweak is compatible with the newly jailbroken iOS version.
So if you are in the same boat and are wondering whether the tweak you were using on an earlier iOS version will work with iOS 12.4 jailbreak, then you have came to the right place. In this list based article we have featured all the iOS 12.4 compatible tweaks that you can download now. These iOS 12 tweaks have been confirmed to be working with iOS 12.4 by the jailbreak community members, who have compiled this list and shared it with everyone on the spreadsheet here.
If you are familiar with another tweak that works on iOS 12.4 jailbreak but is not listed here, then do let us know in the comments section below. Also tell if us if any of the tweaks mentioned in this iOS 12.4 compatibility list don’t work as intended so we can update the list accordingly.
So what are you waiting for, fire up Cydia on your iOS device and start downloading some of the greatest iOS 12.4 compatible tweaks from the list below.
iOS 12.4 Jailbreak’s Tweak Compatibility List
- 13HUD
- 4GwantLTEA-font
- Activator
- AirPort
- Alkaline
- AnimationsBeFast
- Aperturize
- App Admin
- Apple File Conduit 2
- AppStore++
- AskBeforeCalling Too 12
- AutoBrightnessToggle
- AutoLockToggle
- AutoShiftFix
- AutoTouch
- AutoUnlockX
- AwesomePageDots
- Axon
- BackupAZ3
- BadgeCleaner2
- Barmoji
- BarScape
- Battery Life
- BatteryNotch
- BatteryPercentX
- Bazzi
- BetterCCXI
- BetterReachability
- BetterSettings
- BetterShutDown
- BetterTextSelection
- BioProtectXS
- BlankIcons
- Bolders
- Bounce It!
- BrickFix
- BTRenamer
- Bubbles
- ByeBreadCrumbs
- CallBar XS
- CallDismiss
- CallDismiss12
- CallRecorder X+
- CamControlXS
- Cappd
- Cercube 5
- ChatLock
- Clean Home Screen
- ClearDock
- ColorBanners 2
- ColorFlow4
- ColorMeBadge
- ColorMyBattery
- CopyLog
- Cthulu
- Cuboid
- Cylinder
- Dark KeyBoard
- DarkMessages (iOS 10)
- DarkSounds
- Date in Status Bar
- DismissAnywhere
- DockXI
- DontKillMyMusic
- Dots
- Double Cut
- Dragger
- DragSpring
- Dune
- Ebullience
- Eclipse Dark Mode iOS 12
- Fabric
- FastUnlockX
- FDots
- Filza
- FingerTouchReachabilityFix
- FiveIconDock
- FiveIconDockXI
- Flame
- FlashyHUD
- FlatSafariURL
- Flex 3 Beta
- Floating Dock Plus
- FloatyDock
- FluidTabs
- Fugap
- Gesto
- Glasklark
- gof2aniV2
- Grider
- Groovify
- HapticFeedback
- HapticKeys
- HideBarX
- HideKBSettings (iOS 11 – 12)
- Honey
- Hyperion
- iCleanerPro
- Iconator2
- Instagram++
- Installer
- iPadStatusBar
- iThemer
- iWidgets
- JellyFish
- KillBackgroundXS
- KITTLoader
- Lace 2
- LendMyPhone 2
- LetMeBlack
- Liberty Lite
- LittleXS
- LocationFaker
- LocationService
- LockScreenBugFix
- LowPowerDND
- MagmaPro
- Melior
- MiDevice
- Mikoto
- Mitsuha Infinity
- Modulus
- nControl
- NeonBoard
- Neptune for iPhone
- Network Manager
- NewTerm 2
- NextUp 2
- NiceNotes
- NoCCBar
- Noctis 12
- NoLargeTitles
- Notchification
- Notifica
- Notify Wifi X
- NPShareSheet
- NudeKeys
- OpenNotifier2
- Working
- OpenSSH
- OTADisabler
- Pagebar
- Pasithea 2
- PencilChargingIndicator
- PerfectTimeXS
- PhotoManger 12
- PM, Really?
- PokeGO LS Gif
- PortraitXI
- PowerSelector (iOS 11 – 12)
- PrimalFolder
- QuickCC
- Rainbow
- ReachIt
- RealCC
- Relocate
- RePower XII
- Reprovision
- Rocket for Instagram
- Rocketbootstrap
- RoundDock
- Safari Plus
- SafeShutdown
- Saw
- Scribble
- ShortcutEnabler
- ShortLook
- ShutterSoundSwitch
- Shy Page Dots
- SimplePasscodeButtons
- Slyd
- SmallSiri
- SmartBatteryCasePercentage
- SmartLPM
- SmoothCursor
- SnoozeX
- Sonus12
- Spectrogram
- SpinThatRecord
- SpringPlus11
- SwipeSelection
- SwitchService
- System Info
- TapTapFlip
- TapticKeys
- TetherMe
- TextEmojis
- Textyle
- TinyBanners
- Tweak Count 2
- Twttr
- UltraSound
- Viola and Bubble Gum
- VolumeSongSkipper
- Watusi
- WhoNeedsDock
- Wifi Passwords
- Wraith
- Xen HTML
- Youtube Tools
- Zebra
- Zenith