One of the things that we absolutely love about macOS is its login screen. The minimalistic and beautiful login page welcomes the user and is the first thing they see when they turn on their Macs. On iOS the lockscreen serves as the login screen, and is quite different than its macOS counterpart. If you are a fan of login screen of your Mac and want to have a similar looking lockscreen on your iPhone, then look no further than Login tweak from Cydia.
This tweak brings the most realistic Mac login experience to iOS, allowing users to type the password just like they do on their computer. Users can also select a custom display picture that appears right above their name. Having your name on the login screen is also great, as anyone who touches your device will know it belongs to you. Login tweak comes with a number of customization options including the ability for users to set their username, password, choose between keyboard of numberpad and have numeric or alphanumeric passwords. You can easily switch between the lockscreen and the Login screen.
Users can choose to have dark buttons, which are grey colored buttons. These are more suitable for lighter colored wallpapers or blur effect. You also get useful sleep, restart and shutdown buttons right on the login screen. If you want to take a more minimalistic approach, then you can choose to hide the power menu. There are other options too that you can turn on or off such as unlock animation, status bar time, dark keyboard etc.
Login tweak is available in Cydia for $1.99. It is fully compatible with iOS 8 and iOS 9 powered jailbroken devices. If you are using any other lockscreen tweaks, then don’t worry Login is fully compatible with them.