A new Cydia tweak called Reachability7 brings the new ‘Reachability’ feature of iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus to older devices. With this tweak installed you can bring down the top section of any app by performing an Activator gesture. The good thing is you get to choose the gesture or action for Reachability7 yourself, so you can choose the one that suits you the best. iPhone 5s owners can even use the Touch ID double tap, which will make the feature work like it does on the newer devices.
From tweak’s settings you can set the amount of pixels you want the app to drop down. This option is helpful if you hold your device in a certain way and want the app to be pulled down to a certain level on the screen. The tweak works on the homescreen and all apps, but not in the Settings app.
Reachablity7 is available in Cydia for free. It requires iOS 7 or above to run.