SpotlightSiri tweak lets you give commands to Siri from Spotlight

SpotlightSiri tweak

If you have been looking for a way to take advantage of Siri’s powerful features without having to look ridiculous while talking to it, a new Cydia tweak called Spotlight Siri is here to help. This hack allows users to give commands to their virtual personal assistant by typing instructions into the Spotlight search. All you have to do is type the prefix ‘Siri’ followed by the sentence you want to say to Siri. For example, you can type “Siri what’s the time?” and hit the ‘Search’ button from the keyboard.

As soon as you hit the search button Siri will be invoked and it will directly show you result for whatever you typed in Spotlight. This tweak is not only useful for people who don’t like to talk to Siri but also for those who are in a meeting or a movie theater and cannot speak. This will also enable people who are speech-impaired to use Siri’s useful features.

With SpolightSiri you can give any command to Siri that you can using voice. You can make it do certain actions such as creating a reminder or calling someone, make a joke or search the web etc.

There are no settings to configure and you can start using SpotlightSiri as soon as you download it from Cydia. If you like this tweak then you can get it from the BigBoss repo for free.

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