Watusi is the ultimate WhatsApp for iOS tweak that you should download

Watusi tweak (1)

If you are a dedicated WhatsApp for iOS user then chances are that there are many things you would want to change about the popular messaging app. Although WhatsApp provides an easy way to communicate with friends there are a few annoyances associated with the app that if removed will make using it a better experience. A new Cydia tweak called Watusi aims to fix all of these issues for users allowing them to disable features and make changes to the application.

Watusi tweak brings some really useful functionalities that includes the Freeze LastSeen feature, which prevents the app from updating your ‘Last Seen’ status even if you have it turned on from app’s settings. The tweak has the ‘Read Receipts’ feature that prevents others from knowing that you have received as well as read their message.

Here’s a full list of features Watusi tweak adds to WhatsApp

Freeze LastSeen: Stops the app from updating your ‘Last Seen’ status.

Read Receipts: Stops the app from sending delivery or read receipts to other users.

Status Length: Increases status length from 139 characters to 256 characters.

Profile Photo Fit: Allows users to fit photos to the box when changing profile pictures.

Unlimited Photos Selection: Select unlimited amount of photos when sending them to other users.

Always Connected: Always show the send button even when offline (similar to Android app).

Ask for call: Ask before calling any user to avoid accidental calls.

Dark Keyboard: Bring dark keyboard to the app.

Disable Landscape: Fully disable the landscape mode (even works when the rotation mode is on).

Hide Timestamps: Hide timestamps for messages.

Change Font: Allows users to change font color, size and URL color

Change Usage Statistics: Change the usage stats for WhatsApp including received messages, sent messages, amount of data sent or received and more.

CC Flipswitch for LastSeen and Read receipt: Adds a flipswitch to enable or disable Last Seen and Read receipts to Control Center.

Watusi tweak (2)

You can download the Watusi tweak from Cydia for $0.99. As of right now the tweak fully supports the WhatsApp 2.11.8 version that is available through the App Store.

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    1. Because one of the only things well made in WhatsApp is that when you close the App and you still have new messages it will send you the notifications again. Imagine you received a message but closed WhatsApp 1/5 a second later. You won’t notice that new message, but it will send you the notification again. Using this tweak is like leaving those messages unread, so it will send the notif again

  1. Please update for whatsapp 2.11.14. I want to freeze the time to a point in the past so that other people think i am not online since that date. This was possible with whatsapp Lseen tweak, but since I updated whatsapp (stupid me) people could see me online

  2. Watusi needs to be updated because there are still some bugs like always connected it isnt showing always connected if connectivity is nt there. It should add a new feature like to disallow a single person to not see your dp 😛

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