How To Add Time Limit For Certain Websites On Mac And iOS

Add Time Limit For Certain Websites On Mac

In this tutorial we will show you how to add website time limits in Mac and iOS Safari and prevent yourself from spending too much time browsing certain websites. With this method you can block website in Mac Safari and stop yourself from using after a specified time.

Are you spending way too much time watching YouTube videos on your Mac or scrolling through your Facebook feed? If yes, and you are interested in boosting your productivity on Mac, iPhone and iPad then we have the perfect tip for you.

macOS’s new Screen Time feature lets you add App Limits. With the help of this feature users can add time limits for an app or website for a certain day. Once user has used the app or website for the specified time limit they are no longer able to access the website and are displayed a notification that reads “You’ve reached your limit on the website”.

While this limit can be ignored by clicking on the Ignore button, it serves as a good reminder that you are not supposed to waste your time using it and should be doing something more productive.

Also read: How To Add App Limit For A Single App On iPhone Or iPad

The website limits that you add apply to all devices that are using the same iCloud account. So if you place a limit on on the Mac, you will also not be able to open it using Safari browser on your iPhone and iPad, which is neat.

How to add time limit for certain websites on Mac or iOS

Here’s how to add website time limits on Mac. Remember these limits will only apply to Safari browser on Mac, iPhone and iPad.

On Mac:

Website limits on Mac

Step 1: Open System Preferences and go to Screen Time section.

Step 2: From the Side pane select App Limits option and Turn on the App Limits feature.

Step 3: Click on the ‘+‘ button to create a new app limit. Then under Apps, Categories and websites scroll down and expand the Websites option.

Step 4: You will get a list of frequently visited website. If you can’t find the website you want to add the limit for then scroll down and click on ‘Add Website‘ option.

Safari website limit

Step 5: Type the URL of the website you want to add time limit for, make sure you select it by clicking on the tick button.

Step 6: Then specify the time you want to allow for that site. You can specify time for every day or choose custom option if you want to increase or decrease allowed time for certain days of the week.

Step 7: Hit the Done button to save the time limit for your specified website.

Repeat these steps for as many websites as you like.

Pro tip: In case you want to significantly cut down or prevent yourself from opening a website, then add a 1 minute daily limit to the website. After one minute of usage Safari will display a time limit warning for the website reminding you not to use it.

On iPhone or iPad:

iPhone website limit

Step 1: Open Settings -> Screen Time -> App Limits.

Step 2: Tap on Add Limit option.

Step 3: Choose Websites from the list and tap on Add Website option.

Step 4: Type the URL of the website you want to add the limit for and make sure it is selected. Tap on the Next button from top right corner.

Step 5: Specify the time limit for the website and hit Add button.

iPhone Safari Website Limits

Repeat these steps for as many websites as you like.

There you have it, this is how you can add website time limits on your Mac, iPhone or iPad. If you have any questions regarding this tutorial, then let us know in the comments below.

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