How To Delete An Instagram Account On iPhone or iPad

Have you had enough of other people’s made up perfect lives and have finally decided to get rid of your Instagram account? If yes, then you have come to the right place. In this article we will show you how you can delete your Instagram account right on your iPhone or iPad. Since you need to access a web page in order to delete Instagram account you can perform these steps on any device including the Mac or an Android device.

Without any further ado lets get down to business of deleting the Instagram account. Please note that there are two different ways you can get rid of an Instagram account. You can either disable it temporarily or choose permanently delete it. We will share step by step instructions for both here, so you can do whatever suits you the best. A disabled account can be enabled at a later time, however a deleted account is gone permanently.

Delete your Instagram account

  1. Open a web browser of your choice and access Instagram’s Delete Your Account page.
  2. Sign into the account your want to delete.
  3. Now choose the reason you are deleting your account for, it does not matter which option you select.
  4. Re-enter the account’s password.
  5. Finally hit the ‘Permanently delete my account‘ button.

That’t it! The Instagram account has been deleted permanently.

Disable an Instagram account

You can also choose to disable an Instagram account, in this case the account is not actually deleted and can be restored later by the user.

  1. Open website on a web browser and log in.
  2. Tap on the User button located on top right side of the screen, then tap on Edit Profile.
  3. Scroll down and tap on the ‘Temporarily disable my account’ option from the bottom right.
  4. Select an option from ‘Why are you disabling your account option‘ drop down menu.
  5. Renter your password and tap on the ‘Temporarily Disable Account‘ button.

That is it. Now you have temporarily disabled or permanently deleted your Instagram account based on which steps you followed.

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