How to check if an app is ready for Apple Watch

CanIHazAWatchApp site

Apple Watch has already started to reach the lucky buyers who managed to order their new gadget in time while others will be getting their’s in the coming weeks. In a few months time millions of users will own an Apple Watch, which means it is already a huge market for app developers, who are busy in updating their applications to support the new Apple device. While most applications have yet to become compatible with the Watch many big name applications have already gained support for it and are available for download.

To make it easier for Apple Watch users to check if their favorite app is available for the Apple Watch a new site has been launched. The website that is essentially an online tool allows users to type the name of the app in the search box. It then checks if the app is ready for Watch or not, if no then it simply says ‘Not Yet :-(‘ whereas if an app is ready for Apple Watch then the website shows ‘Oh Yeah :-)’ along with five screenshots of the app in question. It also shows a ‘Get App’ button that lets you quickly go to the App Store page of the application.

The website is called CanIHazAWatchApp and is free to use. If you are an Apple Watch owner then this is the site you should bookmark. You can also visit this Apple webpage that lists all the popular apps that are ready for Apple Watch. (via)

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