How to make iOS 8 use Google Maps as default with a simple trick

Apple maps

Apple Maps, which debuted alongside iOS 6 has come a long way since its release. However despite the improvements it is still not as good as Google Maps or other solutions out there. iOS 8 just like previous versions uses its in-house maps as default for all purposes, that includes when you tap on an address. The operating system automatically launches the stock Maps application to show you directions to the said address.

If you are not a fan of Apple Maps and would like to change this behavior of iOS 8 then we have got a good news for you. Following a simple trick you can set any third-party maps app of your choice as default.

After implementing this whenever you will tap on an address on your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch the app you select will be launched automatically.

Here’s How to make iOS 8 use third-party map apps on your iPhone or iPad

1. On your iOS device tap on any address to make the operating system launch Apple maps app. You can use the following address as well. If it doesn’t work in Safari then copy and paste it in Notes app and try again.

1 Infinite Loop
Cupertino, CA 95014

2. When in Apple Maps tap on the ‘Car’ icon to tell the app to start routing.

3. Now on your screen you will see three tabs. One of them should be for ‘Apps’, tap on it.

4. From the list of apps select the Maps application you want to use instead of Apple Maps. Simply tap on the Route button located next to it. On this screen you will also get a list of related apps that are available in the App Store.

Once you are done with the steps above your iPhone or iPad will always launch Google Maps or the app you chose whenever you will tap on an address.

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  1. I just tried this and the trick on my i-pad and i-phone 5s and the trick does not work as described. The next time I type in an address or access an address from my contacts list, the i-pad and i-phone both revert to Apple Maps

  2. Why would somebody want to use a google maps? Navigation service is much superior on native IOS maps app. Why bother even installing it?

          1. If I search for a place (e.g. a restaurant or whatever) in Safari, then click on “navigate here”, it now ALWAYS opens Google Maps by default.

            If I have an address stored in contacts and click on it in the phone book it still opens Apple maps. But I don’t usually keep addresses in my phone book, so this doesn’t affect me so much. I do agree that a simple “set default map application” option in settings would be a much better solution though…

    1. Google maps voice prompts are way better than the Apple Maps. Apple maps give last second instructions, where as google maps gives you time to make your choices.

      1. Google map also provides features such as lane assist, alternative route, among others. Not to mention that Google Map update their map data much more frequently–an intersection near my house was completely close due to construction for nearly 2 months. This is already reflected on Google Map, but there is nothing on Apple map. People who visit me (most of them have iPhones) often end up circling around my neighborhood (if I forget to tell them about the closure) before they call me for direction.
        Apple is the digital equivalent of “soup nazi”!

    2. I have a very small amount of memory in my iPhone (8Gb) so I really don’t like to add an app to do something that an existing (unremovable) IOS app already can, but after suffering the terrible search and navigation functions of Apple Maps I’ve just downloaded google maps and the difference is astonishing. A far superior product in every way. Try it!

    3. Well I guess if you use iPhone 3 with iOS 4, then may be. I have iPhone 6 with latest iOS and I find that Apple maps are very robust. Navigation is also similar to googles. It does it in advance with same interval as Google. in the area where live Google and bing screw up their geocoding. Stores are not where they are, screwed up addresses etc. I always used Waze instead, but this time just decided to try Apple maps, and they work great.

      1. No, it’s not the speed of the app – both work smoothly on my phone (4S running IOS 8). It’s the quality of the navigation and the functionality of the programs. I only mentioned the small memory to illustrate the fact that the native app has to be pretty bad before I’ll sacrifice memory to add a third-party app serving the same purpose.

  3. The title is misleading or simply misinforming. The trick mentioned here does NOT change the default map to be Google Map. This trick allows one to switch to Google map exactly ONCE, as in Uno. The next time you start a new destination, it will fall back to Apple map.
    It’s either the author did not verify the trick (probably copied it from other website as there are plenty other equally misleading or misinforming sites that mention this trick) or he/she simply choose to misinform and choose a misleading title to generate hit to the site.

  4. Definitely does not make it the default app. Probably misled people just to get viewers. People think Apple is so great… this is just yet another example of their propietary operating system that is not even capable of setting a default app. That’s how dumbed down ios is vs any other operating system.

  5. This website should be embarrassed to post something like this and call yourself hacker. Well maybe that is what an Apple fans intelligence is at.

  6. It do not works when I tape ROUTE aside Google map. My iPhone falls in “search mode” and there a circle in the screen that continuously spin!

  7. Umm… Ok people this actually does work! I tried it and at first I got the same result as all of you. It defaulted back to Apple maps? But then my phone died 2 days later and after I charged it and it restarted it now defaults to google maps! Yay!!! Apple maps sucks! Do this trick immediately! And restart your phone after.

  8. I have an iPhone 6 with iOS 9.2 and when I follow the instructions I do not get a tab to select an app. Am I doing something wrong?

    FYI, to change the default after successfully following the above instructions:
    You need to reboot your iPhone. Hold the start button and power button at the same time until your phone reboots.

  9. Doesn’t work! These steps must be repeated every time you open an address. That will let you use google maps, but it won’t set google maps as your default gps app. Bummer.

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