How to remove the free U2 ‘Songs of Innocence’ album from iPhone or iPad

U2 album Music app

At the iPhone 6 event Apple announced that it will be giving away U2’s new ‘Songs of Innocence’ album to all iTunes users. The company lived up to its promise and to the joy of U2 fans the new album has started showing up on everyone’s iPhone, iPad and iPod touch. While U2 fans won’t mind that, not all of us are excited about this new development. If your device is annoyingly showing the Songs of Innocence songs on your device then don’t get angry as your iPhone or iPad device is completely innocent in this whole scene and you can remove them by simply flipping a switch from the Settings app.

Update:Use Apple’s dedicated SOI Removal tool to delete U2’s album from your iTunes account

To hide the unwanted U2 album from your device simply launch the Settings app and go to ‘Music’. From the Music section look for the ‘Show All Music’. Turn the toggle off. Once you have turned the ‘Show All Music’ toggle off, the album will instantly disappear from your device.

The reason why the album showed up on your device in the first place was because Apple made it available on your iTunes account, and due to your iCloud settings it was downloaded or at least started appearing on your iOS device.

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While you can get rid of the songs (no offence intended to U2 or its fans) unfortunately there’s no way for you to completely remove them from your Apple ID, which is shame. (TechCrunch)

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  1. It’s not a bad album and it’s free. I don’t understand why everyone is so salty. U2 is an iconic rock band and we just got their entire latest album completely free of charge. It doesn’t even download to your phone until you look at it and tell your phone to download or try to listen to it.

    1. Just because it’s free, doesn’t mean I want it. City sanitation could dump a load of garbage on my lawn saying “but it’s free”. It’s still garbage. Give me the option to down load the free “gift”. Now I am stuck with this “garbage” I have to hide it, I can’t even give it back!

      1. It’s because it’s U2, so they expected everyone wanted the free album. They have two fucking guys hugging each other, like what the fuck is this?

    2. Not everyone has the same tastes in music. This terd if an album is crammed into my music shuffle when I only care for instrumental music. I have to get a laptop out and jump through hoops to take this unwanted crap out of my mix. Lots of unwanted music is free. Does not mean I want to be loaded down with all the crap others want to heap on me. It’s my device and I demand complete control over the content or u will switch yo the competition overnight.

      1. Totally agree with you Steven. Unfortunately, I have to jailbreak my iOS devices (iPad) to have that control. I refuse to update to iOS 8 until then. While Apple has made some great strides in making iOS more customizable, I need my Cydia tweaks.

    3. These songs are dreadful, I do not enjoy them one bit.. I find it a bit of a nuisance to have to personally click next every time this song comes on whilst I did not personally add it or want it in the first place. This whole album is horrible

    4. Nando, youre either MISSING the point
      or maybe YOURE trying to make one hiding behind a false facade???

    5. You’re right, it’s not a bad album. The problem is the agenda to push the Gay banner on everybody with an apple device world wide. When my device company forces homosexual images onto my phone and makes it difficult to remove them, I get pissed! It sounds like a lot of people feel the same way. I don’t give a damn if Apple supports gay lifestyles or anyone for that matter, but don’t force me to look at that crap every time a stupid song that I never wanted on MY PHONE pops up to play because Apple is pushing a political agenda. If you can’t understand that, then you cannot be helped.

    6. I liked U2’s earlier stuff but not this. I have tried a few things & it simply won’t go away. It’s more like a virus, not an album. I’ve deleted it from my iTunes account but it’s still on my iPhone. I tried side swiping to delete but because this stuff is in the cloud it won’t delete. When I play my music via bluetooth in my car this album plays even though its not in my playlist on my mac. It’s a bummer.

  2. There is music in my cloud I don’t want to hide. This is a stupid fix for a stupid problem caused by stupid Apple execs. I am getting away from Apple products entirely. Enough already.

      1. Me too, ive always bought every iphone each time the new one came out. A lot of people keep telling me that samsung is cheaper and better!

    1. This has also turned me off paying so much money for an iphone. Til now i was always loyal to apple. Im going to their competitors from here on!

    2. Amen to everything has said. I loathe U2 with a passion. I stand against everything they are for. Fuck you Apple, next phone is an Android. What a bunch of dickwads!

    1. Apple execs missed the mark on marketing their products. I will take my entire company business phones (over 75 phones) and move to a competitor.. Next time keep your good ideas to yourself. Steve Jobs would be ashamed of your self motivated agenda. Bad for business

    2. Yes Apple sucks!!!!!!
      I am going to get rid of my iPhone and MacBook.
      Any thing else will be an improvement.
      By the way the signing out of the Appstore option at least removed the U2 album from my iPhone.
      Thanks for the fix.

  3. holy fucking shit i can’t tell you guys how fucking annoying this is. i just want this shit band off my fucking phone

    1. I agree. Apple sucks!! I think it might be coming from one of those unbearing gay activists that just doesnt stop. Wankers who need to shove off! Or maybe we should put hetro sex on their phones & have it pop up in their faces constantly!
      Im switching to apples competitors for making a move like this!!

  4. This (revised) U2 album cover strikes me as gay promotion. It is sneaky. I don’t want this downloaded to my phone. I hope Apple under Tim Cook does not become a vehicle for gay promotion. Steve Jobs was a liberal, but did not go this far.

  5. Think I’m find the way! “Setting –> iTunes & App Store –> Sign Out”.
    I’m not 100% sure, but seems like after I’ve tried this , U2 album is gone for ever!

    1. Yay this worked for me. songs were still gone even when I signed back in. Hope it stays that way for good.

    2. Thank you so much!!! I was totally disgusted with that notorious album. I have been desperately searching for ways to get rid of it. I did sign out and the songs disappeared. Then I signed in again, fearing they will come back. That didn’t happen. I am very content now.

  6. I am seriously considering getting rid of stupid apple phone now. if they wanna crap all over my content, they can take a hike

  7. HELP I accidentally pressed download on one of the songs and now it won’t let me delete it off my iPad. Holy crap these songs suck.

  8. This is more of a privacy issue. They want to see how far they can test you. There is no reason to be downloading anything to anyones phone unless they authorized it.

  9. I love this discussion, nice to see I’m not the only one pissed off by these fags trying to push the shit on us.

  10. Stupid apple and there stupid fucking products and bloatware!!!! plugged in my ipod last night and all my music is erased from my ipod and in its place is this stupid u2 bullshit songs. never ever owning apple anything anymore!!

  11. Did not work! And there is more to it than that BS explanation. I have an iphone 5 and the U2 albim only just popped up and keeps popping up playing even when I am not even touching the phone and that never ever happens with any other song than with this gay song of U2. The whole thing started when I was accessing an alternative right website- coincidence? I doubt it!!!

  12. Thank you!!! I searched for “how to get bullsh_t music off my iPhone” and your article magically appeared. Thanks again. No offense to the new U2, but…

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