How To Stop Youtube App From Automatically Playing The ‘Next’ Video

Play YouTube Audio In Background


Youtube app for iOS perhaps offers the best way to enjoy the video sharing website. However the app has many quirks some of which include restrictions for users not be able to listen to video sound in the background or ability to download stuff from the application. While the annoying features we mentioned earlier cannot be fixed there’s one annoying thing that you can change about how the Youtube app works, and is enough to significantly improve the Youtube app experience.

The official Youtube app just like the Youtube website plays the next video that is in the current playlist. This can be super annoying especially when the next video is not something you would normally watch or you planned to watch the original video another time. Due to this when you return to the first video it loads again, which can be especially annoying on slow or limited internet connections. Luckily there’s a very simple way to turn off the autoplay function of the Youtube app, and it is right in front of us. As indicated in the first screenshot above, you just have to turn off the autoplay toggle in order to stop Youtube app for playing the next video.

Once you turn off the toggle for Autoplay, the app will simply stop when the video you are watching ends. It will also display previous, next or replay buttons. If you do plan to open the next video in the playlist you can simply tap on the next button.

We are sure most of you were already familiar with this option, but if you missed the button it is still a nice thing to learn and will definitely be useful the next time you are on Youtube for iOS.

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