Bragi Announces New Earphone Two Days before Apple’s iPhone 7 Event

We posted about Bragi having a special announcement a few days ago, and finally we can see what Bragi had in store. Today, Bragi has released fully wireless earphones, called “The Headphone” (Yes, it’s a little confusing). It seems to be quite similar to Bragi’s other product, “The Dash”, but with a few things removed to bump down the price. The headphone seems to be targeted more for just listening to music, while the Dash tracks your fitness. The Headphone also lacks onboard storage for music and gesture controls. Instead, it uses buttons. The Headphone does have a 2 hour advantage in battery over the Dash, however. The Headphone is priced at $149, with a pre-order price of $119. With a lower price, this is bound to make Bragi a more popular name, since it will be much more accessible.


Quite honestly though, it seems to be a response to Apple’s rumoured “AirPods”. While there are rumours that Apple and Bragi will be teaming up, I personally wouldn’t count on it. I think the fact that this was released two days before Apple’s special event is an indication of that. If Apple does release a similar product on the 7th, Bragi could be in for some serious competition. Bragi has been in the wireless earphone business for a little while now, but Apple is a very well established company. Personally, I think what’s going to be one of the biggest factors is going to be the price. If the “AirPods” cost less than The Headphones, why wouldn’t you choose the AirPods? And if it’s bundled with the iPhone 7, why would you even consider buying an additional pair of earphones? On the other hand, if Apple’s AirPods cost more, what advantages will it have over The Headphones? Will it be enough for consumers to justify the extra cost? It’ll be very interesting to see how the next few months pan out, with Apple’s event on September 7th and The Headphone shipping in November.

AirPodsWhat do you think readers? Will The Headphone be successful? Will Apple release fully wireless earphone? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!

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