A new Cydia tweak called ShiftCycle enhances the typing experience of iOS users by making it super easy to convert any text to uppercase, lowercase, title case and title case without spaces. The best thing about this tweak is that it integrates with the stock iOS keyboard and lets users cycle through all possible options by simply tapping on the shift key on repeat. To change a line or block of text all you have to do is select it and then hit the shift key.
Although it is a simple tweak, it does allows users some options with which they can customize how it works. From Settings you can turn off the types of cases you don’t need. So if you don’t want the title case and TitleCaseWithoutSpaces then you can turn them off while keeping the uppercase and lowercase toggles turned on.
You can download the ShiftCycle tweak from Cydia, where it is available under the BigBoss repo for free.