Tweaks Updated for iOS 9.3.3: Controllers For All, Cercube 3, iKeywi 3, BackupAZ 2 and more

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If your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch is jailbroken on iOS 9.3.3, then you would be pleased to know that in addition to many awesome new tweaks getting released in Cydia, many of the great ones that already existed have also been updating to support the new version. Recently some big name tweaks received major updates to support iOS 9.2 – iOS 9.3.3 jailbreak. In this post we have listed all the tweaks that have already received updates and are now available in Cydia with full iOS 9.x.x support.


With Airscan you can scan nearby WiFi network by running the airscan -h command in a MobileTerminal.

BackupAZ 2

BackupAZ 2 is a backup tool for jailbroken devices that allows them to backup Cydia sources, installed packages, tweak settings as well as notes, contacts, call history and more. It is available for BackupAZ 2


BadgeCleaner removes the notification badge from an icon as soon as you launch it. It is available for free.

Controllers For All

Controllers For All allows users to play games on their iPhone or iPad using third-party controllers. This also includes console controllers. Controllers for All is available for $2.99.

Cercube 3

Cercube 3 is a must have Youtube app tweak that allows users to download videos, download audio from their favorite video and export to Music library, disable ads, enable 1080p videos and enable background audio. It is available for free.

Delete Contact

Delete Contact is a free tweak that makes it easier for users to delete a contact from the Contacts app.

iKeywi 3

iKeywi 3 tweak adds an extra row of icons that contain characters of user’s choice such as special characters or numbers. iKeywi 3 is available for $1.99.

Icon Finder

Icon Finder lets you locate where an app’s icon is stored on the homescreen from the Spotlight. It is available for free.


OnlineNotify will let you know when someone becomes online or offline on WhatsApp by sending you a notification. It is available for $1.99.


With PhotoRes you can choose the resolution and aspect ratio at which your photos will be taken. It is available for free.


PkgBackup lets you create backups and later restore packages, preferences and springboard files on your jailbroken device. It is available for $9.99.

StopAlarm iOS 8+

StopAlarm tweak allows users to snooze or stop their alarms right from the lockscreen without unlock their device.


SleepFX tweak adds animated affects that appear when you put your device to sleep. Effects include split columns, spin, suck and more. You can also customize effects and change their speed, sound etc. SleepFX is available for $4.99.

SwitcherTweak Pro

SwitcherTweak Pro allows users to change the app switcher such as change its scroll direction, disable blur, make icons round and more.  It is available for $0.99.


Splitify If you are an iPad user who wants to have the split screen feature on the iPhone, then the Splitify tweak can help. It is available for free.

Tap to Translate

Tap to Translate brings Android like Google Translate feature to iOS, that allows users to translate text in any language without leaving the app they are using. It is available for free.

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