Upscale tweak lets you have iPhone 6 resolution on your smaller device

Upscale tweak (1)

A new tweak called Upscale allows users to have any resolution on their iOS device. This means you can have the full resolution of iPhone 6 or iPhone 6 Plus on your smaller iPhone and vice versa. The hack applies the new resolution system wide which affects most stock apps and the homescreen. In our tests it did not apply the affect to most third party applications and some stock ones including Mail application. The screenshots used in this article are of an iPhone 5 running at iPhone 6 resolution.

Using Upscale is as simple as it could get. From Settings you can select the presets for iPhone 5s resolution, iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus for your device. There’s an option for applying iPhone 4S resolution as well but that does not work right now. Then there’s a custom field where you can apply your own preferred resolution for X and Y axis. This option is accompanied by a warning text saying ‘Use at your own risk’, indicating that if you mess up the resolution here your device may become unusable temporarily (until you delete the tweak).

Upscale tweak (2)

Upscale is a fun tweak that can be useful as well. If you are using an iPhone 5 or 5s and want to jump to iPhone 6 then you can try the resolution of the new device to have a limited experience of how iOS looks and works on it. You can also apply the resolution of smaller iPhone 5s to iPhone 6 to make things appear larger.

Upscale tweak (3)

If interested you can download the Upscale tweak from Cydia for free. It is available under repo. Please note that it is still in beta so bugs are expected.

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  1. Downloaded this tweak on my 6+ thinking it would do something different. I cannot revert it to the original settings. And when I delete the tweak the resolution remains.
    Any ideas?

    1. Okay figured it out until there is an update. It still looks a bit wonky though.
      Go to safari and type in 10801920 and copy that.
      Go to Upscale in settings and paste it into the X value
      Select and cut the 1920 and paste it into Y

  2. I’ve got a real problem, i downloaded this tweek on my iPhone 6 and everything worked perfectly until now… i used the custom resolution already a few times alwasy succesful.
    Now i tried to put it to 4k Resolution (i know silly idea) and now it just is a black screen… reboting doesnt help, cant get into safe mode but all the controls still work (long press home button siri greets me). So now I have a un-usable iphone ;( Any Ideas??

  3. Guys, Please Help me out here, My Mate was using my iPad and he installed this Upscale and he messed up the resoloution, i cant do anything on the screen now, as the screen is lit black, i tried to do the safemode but the screen remains the same. I dont really wanna loose my jailbreak 🙁 Please help me Out

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