The HPI Check App Demonstrates iOS Developments

A HPI check is essential for anyone looking to buy a used car, especially from a private seller. The vehicle history check was first introduced in 1938 and has since developed to be offered by phone and online, to the point that you can now get a reliable HPI check through the official app. This is another demonstration of how iOS technology developments are making daily life easier and more convenient than ever.

Advantages of an HPI App on iOS Devices

Using an iPhone app to receive a full HPI check is incredibly useful when viewing any vehicle. Having the facts about the vehicle’s history delivered straight to your phone means you will instantly be able to view all the information when the seller is present. This provides a lot of good negotiating powers for you if certain things crop up in the report.

It also means that you can make a quicker decision on whether to buy the car or not, rather than having to wait until after the viewing to run through an HPI check. Such technology developments meaning you can hold all this information in the palm of your hand thanks to iOS developments are a world away from the early HPI checks of the 1930s.

Checks Included

The HPI Check app on your iPhone includes all the history checks you’d regularly expect from an online check. This includes areas such as:

  • Outstanding finance
  • Recorded as stolen
  • Previously written off
  • Number plate changes
  • Number of previous owners
  • MOT history
  • Mileage discrepancies

All of these checks can be used as negotiating points if they bring up differences between what the seller is claiming. Having these facts sent to your phone from reliable sources such as the DVLA and police records is incredibly useful. Find out more here about number plate changes and more checks. 

NFC in Cars

A potential further development for the HPI check app could be utilizing NFC. The NFC automotive market is quickly advancing, in some vehicles used to open doors thanks to a RFID chip that connects to the phone.

For HPI checks this could be implemented, by potential buyers downloading the app which connects to them via NFC and provides vital information. For example, a chip near the number plate could identify whether it had been changed.

The HPI Check app is a good demonstration of how iOS technology is developing and what it could bring to the industry in the future.

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