iOS 7 lockscreen bug allows access to currently opened app even with Passcode on

When it comes to lockscreen based bugs iOS never seizes to amaze us. While Apple has managed to keep it one of the most secure mobile operating system over the past few years there have been many instances when iOS failed miserably. In continuation to that trend another major bug has been discovered in iOS that allows anyone to access user’s last used app even with the passcode lock on. While the bug is only limited to the last ‘opened’ app it still puts user’s privacy at risk.

How this hack works is simple, as demonstrated by a Youtube user who apparently discovered this particular lockscreen bug. To get access to the last opened app on a passcode protected iOS 7 device all you have to do is access the Control Center from the lockscreen and activate the Airplane mode. Afterwards you have to access the notification center and tap on any missed call alert after which you will land into the app user was last using with full access to it.

Interestingly the bug only gives unauthorized access to the app that is currently running on the device and not to any other app or any other section of the operating system. And you need to have a missed call alert in the notification center or the lockscreen in order to take advantage of this vulnerability, which isn’t hard to get.

The bug is present in iOS 7.1.1, which is the latest publicly available version of the operating system and as seen in the video above, works on iPhone 5s. The bug works regardless to the fact that you have Touch ID protection turned on or off.

Here’s how to protect your device from iOS 7 lockscreen bug

Now that this bug has been publicised Apple will surely fix this as soon as possible. But if you want to stay a step ahead of the company and want to protect yourself then there’s a simple fix to that. Go to Settings > Control Center and turn off the first toggle, which will halt access to Control Center from the lockscreen. (Detailed tutorial here)

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